Swami Chaitanya Krishna is a sound healer and third generation master and healer,was born in eastern part of Nepal,small village called Dovan at Mahendra Nagar-& Sunsari…on august 22, 1982, the healing process in his family was started from his grandfather who was a very famous shaman of eastern Nepal…who was gifted by nature for his healing power…and he healed more than 100000 people in his life time….after his grandfather his father was to be healer but due to his interest in others field he couldn’t became a shaman or healer but he became farmer…even thou he had learned the art of healing and he had some spiritual power and great intuition…and after him Swami Chaitanya Krishna who is now sound healer and shaman was interested in spirituality since his childhood had learn the art of healing and shamanism from many different masters…he was to became a wholly man when he was a 13 years but his father come to know this so ho convinced him and could stop him for several years but his destiny was calling him so he left the home at the age 17 and went to became wholly man in the spiritual area of Nepal and started learning Hinduism and started practicing tantra with various babas there and learn the philosophy with them….but even all these education couldn’t made him satisfaction so he started seeking more deep experience and jump into the sea of meditation with his masters philosophy Osho and became Osho sanyasi…one day he went deep inside in his meditation and experience something and realized the art of life and started again coming back to society and feel to contribute his experience and energy to this society…so being a music lover and musician he choose the singing bowls as a method and took training on it about two year with his master and started to work with singing bowls and heal people …..till now since 7 year he have healed more than 1000 people and gave trainings more 100 students from all over the world and about 10 students are his advanced students working in this same field in various countries ….